* Originally written May 31, 2014. Revised May 6, 2018.
Continuing on with the first posting about the False Prophet, I will attempt to answer some questions concerning the False Prophet to build on the basic facts covered in the first posting..
*Who exactly is the False Prophet?
Of course, this is a controversial question. Many would prefer to scoff or allegorize the question. II Peter 3:3 declares that "...in the last days scoffers will come...", scoffing about the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. This verse implies that such scoffers, "...following their own evil desires..." will mock about the coming of Christ because they could care less, only being interested in their earthly desires.
Therefore, it seems rational that many will not care, recognize or consider the true importance and character of the Antichrist and the False Prophet as a judgment of God and precursors to the coming of Jesus Christ. Instead, since they are deluded, such characters will be regarded as heroes or at least received with general popularity.
Frankly, I am not absolutely sure who the False Prophet is because he hasn't been thrust on the scene yet! Many have guessed since Christ ascended to heaven after his death and resurrection, but as with the Antichrist they have been incorrect.
An intriguing possibility is that the recently installed new Roman Catholic leader, Pope Francis is the False Prophet. Given this Pope's ties to the worldly & intellectual Jesuit order, the Freemasons, his favor with the world and unrepentant sinners, his apparent willingness to appease the wicked, i.e. the "who am I to judge" comment about homosexuality, and other information gives one reason to seriously consider Francis. However, in 2018, it seems clear now Jorge Bergoglio (aka Pope Francis) is not the False Prophet. However, he has lurched the Roman Catholic Church to the left and pushed a more secular agenda (i.e. human-caused climate change)!
Indeed, the web site, www.biblicalfalseprophet.com, which is apparently sponsored by former priests, offers more compelling reasons for this hypothesis, even though their commitment to the Bible alone is tinged with an emphasis on extra-biblical Marian apparitions. One interesting insight on this web site is the idea that the apostate Church or one-world religion would merge with the world and approve of sin. This is the essence of apostasy noted in Proverbs 28:4, "...those who forsake the Law praise the wicked."
Many Roman Catholics seem quite enamored with the "cool new Pope". Sadly, few Roman Catholics, in my observation are very knowedgeable of the Bible, or at least about what the Bible says about eschatological topics. On the contrary, many Roman Catholics show a hostility to the Bible which is inconsistent with being a true follower of Jesus Christ per John 8:31-32. This is not just a Catholic trend! Many mega-churches have "rock star" pastors that are followed with passive loyalty.
Given the influence of the Roman Catholic Church globally and the apparent apostate nature of the False Prophet noted in the book of Revelation, it seems quite reasonable that the False Prophet will be a Pope. I mean the Dalai Lama or an Islamic leader may have influence but they wouldn't be apostate Christians, as the book of Revelation implies. And, not to pick on just the Roman Catholic Church either! I have observed this kind of appeasement & hostility to the Bible occurring in many Christian circles, as well! However, Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, etc. don't have the organizational structure or influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
However, given the fact that Pope Francis is 77 years old, it seems that unless events move very fast, it might be difficult for him to live to fulfill the role of False Prophet. He may be the precursor to the final Pope or give his authority to another religious leader, who will be the False Prophet. Just as their have been many antichrists so also there have been many false prophets. I John 4:1 notes, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
* Is the false Prophet alive now?
Given the times and evidence of the fulfillment of the soon coming return of Jesus Christ, I believe it is highly likely that both the Antichrist and the False Prophet are alive now, in 2014! And given the arrival of Pope Francis, they may be in the prime of life.
*Does he hold office now?
If one believes that Pope Francis is the False Prophet as noted at www.biblicalfalseprophet.com, then he does hold the office of Pope. As noted previously, with the passage of a few years since writing this post originally, that doesn't seem plausible.
Other theories suggest the False Prophet will be a Jew, which doesn't seem to make sense biblically, in my view.
I will say that it is quite likely that the False Prophet won't ever have a name plate or business card saying, "FALSE PROPHET". Liars don't like to be called liars, in my experience. However, that is possibly what many seem to expect, absurd as it seems! Instead, he will likely hold a religious office and he will be made the leader of global religion.
* Will he assume his position suddenly or grow into it?
Again, I don't anticipate he will have "FALSE PROPHET" on his business card. It seems reasonable that he will come on the scene as a religious leader since the role of the False Prophet seems to be religious in nature. He will be in a sort of symbiotic relationship with the Antichrist by pointing worship toward the Antichrist while the Antichrist will, at least initially, legitimatize the False Prophet's religious authority to the world.
Furthermore, Revelation 13 seems to indicate that the False Prophet's power will need to be performed in the presence of or under the authority of the Antichrist.
*What evidence will show the deceptive nature of his character?
Initially, he will gain acceptance from the world much like Pope Francis is. He will be viewed as "a cool pope", loving, non-judgmental, etc.
He will also deny that Jesus is the Christ, perhaps subtly at first. Again, www.biblicalfalseprophet.com has an excellent insight about Pope Francis in their posting, "Francis’ Subtle Denial of the Divinity of Jesus." Indeed, a focus on the Christ without associating Jesus with this title is the type of deception that would be likely.
Once he reaches the pinnacle of his power as noted in Revelation 13 he will be given power to deceive the world with signs and wonders, and then he will use his religious authority, apparently aided by the state, to require worship of the first beast or the Antichrist.
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