Sunday, July 1, 2018


*** Originally written on December 7, 2013. Revised July 8, 2018.

While such comparisons would likely draw the ire of many liberals "....across the fruited plain", the parallels between the USA's 44th President, Barack Obama and the coming Antichrist of the Bible are worth a look! While the comparison between the two is not perfect or even to the same degree in all cases, I prefer to view Mr. Obama as, "Antichrist Lite."

The term "antichrist" isn't mentioned all that often in the Bible but this ultimate villain is given a number of different names elsewhere in the Word of God. I John 2:18 declares, "Dear children this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come."

Many believers in the time of the early church, could have seen wicked Roman Emperors, like Nero, as the Antichrist. In modern times, Hitler, Stalin and others may have been mistaken as the same. All these and Mr. Obama are "antichrists" as I John 2:18 puts it. Also, John the Apostle, in II John 7 notes, "I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist."

So, you don't have to be a tyrannical mass murderer to be "the antichrist", in the most basic sense.  While Obama is constrained by the U.S. Constitution and has not put millions to death as previous antichrists have, the similarities between Obama and the Antichrist are nonetheless remarkable.

The fact that so many Americans, and so many professing Christians, are oblivious to Obama's "issues" should be instructive to true believers and to the lateness of the hour before Christ's return. The fact that so many are willingfully blind is, in itself, a parallel (see (II Thessalonians 2:10-12 and Proverbs 17:4). The people accepting the Antichrist will be rebels (II Thessalonians 2:3), they will suppress the truth and approve of wickedness (Romans 1:18-32), they will be deceived easily (II Timothy 3:13) and indeed they will become completely wicked (Daniel 8:23). Such behavior is increasing in the USA and such people were among Obama's strongest supporters, i.e. atheists, homosexuals, radical feminists, those vehemently opposed to Christianity, radical environmentalists, radical secular humanists, Muslims, and those in favor of killing the unborn.

Some of the similarities, while not always to the same degree, are:

A) Deception! Daniel 8:12 says, "...truth was thrown to the ground" and Daniel 8:25 adds, "...He will cause deceit to prosper..." both refer to the Antichrist and his reign. Barack Obama's deception is rampant and pervasive. If prizes were given, he is definitely worthy of a blue ribbon. Name the issue, Obama deceives. And yet, so many accept whatever he says without critically considering his claims! So many think only in terms of politics and race it seems, not substance. From claiming to be a Christian, while advancing and appeasing Islam, to insisting that everyone would be able to keep their insurance coverage under Obama-Care, when he had to have known that wouldn't be the case. And, from manipulating the unemployment numbers in 2012 to get re-elected to decrying the state of Washington, D.C. when he is Washington. The lies and deception of Obama are abundant! Add to this his advancement of the "global warming" hoax, "gay marriage" propaganda, and his effort to blame the attack on the Benghazi, Libya consulate on an obscure video telling the truth about Islam, Obama's systematic disregard for the truth is obvious to an objective observer.

B) Daniel 8:25 goes on to say of the Antichrist, "...and he will consider himself superior."  The same can be said of Obama and many of his supporters. The proverbial "the ends justify the means" argument applies. Again whether it be health care, deficit spending, rampant deception, etc., Obama's "progressive" agenda is ample justification for his deception. At least partially, it seems he thinks the agenda is right because he supports it. He thinks he is a gift to us all!  Whether getting the Nobel Peace Prize for doing almost nothing to supporting gun control and saving the planet, it's clear these positions make Obama to be a great human being, at least in his own eyes and in the view of his sycophantic and loyal supporters. Perhaps, this explains why Obama has few, if any, in his inner circle who question his views!

C) Daniel 9:27 declares of the Antichrist, "He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven (one seven-year period)..." This covenant will be with Israel. This treaty will make the Antichrist a rock star.  While Obama didn't gain power by a brokering a treaty between Israel and her neighbors, he is pushing for one aggressively in his second term. He is browbeating Israel to cave, to agree to the completely irrational and nearly suicidal demands for the Jewish state to return to the indefensible pre-1967 borders with her neighbors. Early in his first term, Obama seemed noticeably friendlier in his dealings with Israel. Recently, however, his dealings have become more belligerent and treacherous, the nuclear deal with Iran being a case of "throwing Israel under the bus." Again, the Antichrist will show similar initial conciliatory efforts towards Israel (Daniel 9:27), but in the End he will proclaim himself to be god in the Temple (Matthew 24:15) and persecute the Jews (Matthew 24:16 and Revelation 12:13-14).

D) Daniel 8:8 describes the rise of the ancient king, Alexander the Great and the resulting division of his empire into four parts. Daniel 8:9 describes the "little horn" that came from one of these four divisions. This "little horn", I contend describes both Antiochus Epiphanes and also the End-Time Antichrist. The NIV , says of this man, "....which started small but grew in power..." Translation, the Antichrist will rise meteorically to power from obscurity. Daniel 8:12 NIV goes on to add, " prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground." Barack Obama also did rise impressively, if not meteorically, as a politician. He was a community organizer in Chicago. He won state legislative office. Then, he became a U.S. Senator from Illinois. While Illinois is a populous state, he was still a rookie Senator. Obama's political rise was impressive since he ran for President and won in 2008. He has succeeded in achieving much of his agenda as President-- legislatively, by ramming through judicial appointments, by changing the culture of the military, and by picking and choosing which laws to enforce, ala the Defense of Marriage Act. He got the Senate's filibuster rules changed, Obama-Care remains intact after repeated efforts to block it, gun rights are under attack, Christianity is being attacked in the military, homosexuality is becoming normalized and becoming enshrined behavior, and Obama's socialistic imprint through regulation is growing as well.

E) While, I'm sure there are other similarities, I wanted to make a point! I am making this final paragraph edit in 2018. Obama's "reign" is over! We survived! It is important to be able to discern what to look for in the Antichrist! Obama's time in the sun has hopefully passed. However, the final Antichrist has yet to come! Don't be deceived! Even now, I stand by the similarities in this post. One final similarity, is that President Donald J. Trump is unraveling Obama's misguided legacy of deception and folly in record time. Obama is being forgotten by most since his Administration was a waste! In the same way, the Antichrist will be forgotten in the light of the new reign of peace and prosperity brought by Jesus Christ in the Millennial Kingdom. Both will be blips in history, in light of God's timeline!

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