Sunday, October 1, 2017


* Originally written on 8/6/2011. Revised 5/21/18.

The coming Antichrist will be a person. However, the book of I John, specifically I John 4:3 notes that, "...every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist..."

The spirit of Antichrist denies the truth of Jesus Christ's incarnation. An aspect of the deceitful spirit of antichrist is that it also denies the authority of the Bible. After all, Jesus is referred to as the Word in John 1:1-2. Today, a modern, secularized moral code, as found in all false religions, is rising, opposing the truth of the grace and truth found in the Bible. It is a hypocritical, superior way of thinking. As Daniel 8:25a notes, "He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior..."

This new modern morality has an informal list of "dos and don'ts",
"Righteous" secular behavior includes:
*Encouraging peace and cooperation among religions, typically appeasing Islam and subtly or not so subtly marginalizing Christianity and/or Judaism,
*Belligerently demanding acceptance of homosexuality,
*Recognition of government as THE instrument of social justice and economic equality,
*Seeking "green" energy solutions like biomass, recycling, conservation, wind and solar energy even though those solutions are not typically economically feasible as a solution to a so-called "climate change" crisis except in a token, "feel-good" capacity, i.e. making a secular liberal person feel good/ superior when they drive a hybrid vehicle. As an aside, since Third World nations appear to be getting a pass in fighting "global warming," the environment on a global basis, may actually be harmed by hamstringing developed economies with such "pie in the sky" solutions,
*Celebrating deceitful, empty leaders like Barack Obama that celebrate this new, counterfeit morality, and
*Since Donald Trump's election in 2016, it is "righteous" to hate and oppose Donald Trump. In the warped mind of today's liberal, antichrist secularist, it is an "abomination" for Trump to demand an investigation (5/21/18) into FBI spying on his campaign.

"Unrighteous" secular (antichrist) behavior includes:
*Obesity. However, multi-national corporations like McDonald's may be seen as worse offenders/ more "evil" since they profit from intentionally feeding children high-fat, high-calorie meals with a toy. They don't seem to understand the idea of moderation or I Timothy 4:4, which notes, "...and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving...",
*Smoking. However, again a multi-national, "evil", profit-seeking corporation is deemed much worse, i.e. the likes of Altria or Philip Morris,
*Not recycling. A liberal may say, "How dare you destroy the planet or foul the landfills." What self-righteous, "feel-good" nonsense. Not recycling can "raise eyebrows", be seen as irresponsible, or in some cities like Seattle or San Francisco it may be mandatory to segregate garbage for recycling purposes.
*The more extreme environmentalists may decry too much driving, or at least pleasure driving
*Worst is refusing to believe in the secular values like those noted above under "righteous" behavior.
*Another minor "sin" is using tanning beds.
*Quoting from the Bible is often "eyebrow raising" at the least but sometimes odd or even unacceptable. Speaking of hell, God's wrath or other topics may lose you a friend or family relationship.

The bottom line, is that this new secular morality is becoming adopted more and more where the Bible was America's moral code even ten or twenty years ago. However, the Bible is still true. The nation that forgets God (Psalm 9:17) is cursed. As of this writing originally in 2011, the USA's credit rating was just dropped by Standard & Poors one notch, from AAA to AA+, a glaring reminder that all is not right.

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