* Originally written 6/18/2010, revised 7/16/18.
When discussing the coming Antichrist, it is important to note that two of the primary character traits of the Antichrist will be deception and arrogance. Daniel 8:25 NIV notes, "He will cause deceit to prosper and he will consider himself superior."
In the day when he arrives on the scene, he will be seen as a "Messiah" to a suffering, stressed, and troubled world. The world may have seen massive natural disasters, possibly nuclear wars, and the accompanying famines and dislocation of people that make people cry out for an earthly Savior. Ultimately, when he causes all to receive a mark on their forehead or right hand to be able to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16), a choice will be required.
My point is that many believe that day may never come because they want to be "positive" and/or they hold the Bible's truth in derision. Indeed, there is something about waking up day after day in a prosperous country in a comfortable home with two children, a dog and white picket fence that adds to a false sense of security, that this condition will always be. However, the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:12 NIV, "...As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them." In the New Testament, Jesus adds to that verse in Luke 21:34 NIV, "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap." Luke chapter 17 adds two more examples about the "deception of reality". Luke 17:26-27 gives Noah's day as an example; Luke 17:28-29 gives the example of Lot at Sodom.
When the Antichrist arrives on the scene, the common refrain (similar to Luke 21:34 and Ecclesiastes 9:12) may be from I Thessalonians 5:3, which declares, "While people are saying, 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."
The choice facing the people of that day may be similar to a group of lost hikers in the mountains. Lacking a map, a compass or any sense of direction or outdoor skill, they follow a trail until it makes a fork.
To the left the choice looks pleasant, the trail seems to meander through a peaceful meadow. However, the hikers look at each other, knowing something is amiss, because their limited experience tells them this is the wrong direction and even out in the distance the terrain appear to get rougher. Their mentors alerted them, before their hike, to this type of country, telling them not to be deceived, but they ignored this wise counsel. Besides, it just looks too inviting, full of berries and a babbling stream, to be threatening. Most of all their chosen trail looks easy.
On the other hand, to the right the terrain looks quite different. The hikers are exhausted and want to get back to their car. Going this direction, the trail immediately requires fording a sizable stream and then making a rather steep scramble up a talus slope.
The group are a little uneasy but their exhaustion and the salesmanship of a smooth talking, attractive man in their group wins out. They cry, "Peace and safety..." They rest a bit but as they travel on, snacking on the plump huckleberries, they are surprised by a couple of grizzlies. In vain, the group remembers the warning. Too late though....three in the group are killed and the others are seriously wounded.
Currently, here in the USA, our government (refers to the Obama Administration) is leading us down a similarly misguided path with government spending piled on top of more spending to "stimulate" the economy, an exercise in folly.
In the end, the same type of deceitful choice will face the whole world...the Bible says it will choose what appears to be the easy path bringing "peace and safety" but instead it will bring "destruction."
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