President Trump, at the time, said "both sides" were responsible for the bloodshed. The mainstream media, Democratic politicians and some Republicans joined to hammer the President for his assessment and for not slamming the Neo-Nazis even more strongly for their racist views. Looking at the protests, Trump was objectively correct! Frankly, the Anti-Fa fascist thugs were more violent, intimidating and nasty in some, if not most, cases than the Neo-Nazis. However, notably, one Neo-Nazi did ram a car into counter-protesters, killing one.
I recall seeing a Gomer Pyle-esque looking young man (on Twitter), at the rally, dressed in a Confederate uniform, being aggressively intimidated and verbally berated by a group of Anti-Fa thugs as he stood at attention, police looking on.
Fast forward to this year, just a few weeks ago at a mid-term campaign rally in Texas, Trump boldly stated, "You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. OK? I'm a nationalist...Use that word. Use that word."
Again the mainstream media, especially the likes of CNN and MSNBC, had a fit! They went on and on about the dangers of nationalism since Hitler advocated such a philosophy in the 1930s, clearly wishing to draw a similarity ! The media's aggressive, frankly Nazi-esque reporting of its own was clearly designed to shame Trump and his supporters, lacking sanity, objectivity or credibility.
The fact that nationalism has been a prominent view held around the world for hundreds of years, including with U.S. Presidents in one degree to another, with possible exception of Obama, Great Britain's Churchill and others didn't seem to matter.
Rush Limbaugh even noted (11/14/18 radio show) that Google's implied definition of nationalism had references to Hitler and Trump, of course. A convenient and misleading re-definition to demonize Trump, lumping him in with Hitler, while also implicitly supporting Google's own globalist push to help the very nationalistic, authoritarian or even totalitarian Chinese government's increase surveillance over its own people.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio, appearing on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show on 11/14/18, made the excellent point that America's nationalism was and is based on ideals, not the ethnic nationalism of other nations, let alone the racial supremacist foundation of Nazi Germany. America's nationalism is based in God-given life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Remembering it not rational to raise the inherently antichrist nature of those opposing Trump's American view of nationalism, like CNN or MSNBC, or as we shall see, like the French President's misplaced comments this past weekend in Paris, demonizing nationalism.
Stepping back to get a bit of an objective grip on things, it's worthwhile to note that the American Heritage Dictionary defines nationalism in three ways, none necessarily sinister:
- Devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation,
- The belief that nations would benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals,
- Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.
Also, Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus shows for the word, "patriot" the definition that, "a person who loves his country and supports its interests. A synonym noted is "loyalist" and a related item is "NATIONALIST."
Two issues are in play:
Just over this past Veteran's Day weekend in Paris, at a rainy event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the World War I armistice, French President Emmanuel Macron said, "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism." He added "A withdrawal into isolationism would be "a grave error that future generations would very rightly make us responsible for. The old demons are rising again, ready to wreak chaos and death...History sometimes threatens to take its sinister course again." Macron was also backed up by Germany's Angela Merkel, echoing the same self-righteous, but misguided, anti-nationalist theme.
The irony is...Macron may be right that "old demons are rising again." However, the "demons" that should be watched are not Trump's nationalism, which is actually advancing prosperity and freedom. The danger is from China--returning to a one-man, heavy-handed authoritarian or totalitarian rule--, it is radical Islam and it is the globalism that Macron, Merkel and other Europeans and Americans wish to impose. These are the threats to the world and to the primary benefit of nationalism--that being national sovereignty which can shield sin, tyranny and misguided policies from infecting the whole world.
You don't have to be a Bible scholar to realize that global trends are setting the stage, which are all part of God's plan, for the rise of a strong, dynamic world leader, the Antichrist.
Ultimately, perhaps in less than a hundred or even fifty years from now, a truly new world order with Jesus Christ as world leader will smash this current world order. Nationalism won't be needed to help insulate the world from the destructive nature of sin. As Revelation 21:4 notes, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Two issues are in play:
- Trump's claim of being a nationalist is an easy way for the Trump-hating media and deceitful politicians to demonize him, tying him ridiculously to Hitler without mentioning that Reagan, Clinton, Kennedy, FDR and most preceding presidents acted in the same nationalist manner.
- There are powerful interests globally that are pushing for global integration economically, corporations pushing for new markets like China for example. If China was using these relationships and technology to oppress their citizens, then it wasn't Google or Apple's problem. The United Nations is pushing globalism, billionaires like George Soros as well, and even social media is making the globe a smaller place by making it easier to become acquainted with not just American models and heart-throbs but with Brazil's Adrianna Lima or the UAE's Omar Borkan al Gala.
Just over this past Veteran's Day weekend in Paris, at a rainy event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the World War I armistice, French President Emmanuel Macron said, "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism." He added "A withdrawal into isolationism would be "a grave error that future generations would very rightly make us responsible for. The old demons are rising again, ready to wreak chaos and death...History sometimes threatens to take its sinister course again." Macron was also backed up by Germany's Angela Merkel, echoing the same self-righteous, but misguided, anti-nationalist theme.
The irony is...Macron may be right that "old demons are rising again." However, the "demons" that should be watched are not Trump's nationalism, which is actually advancing prosperity and freedom. The danger is from China--returning to a one-man, heavy-handed authoritarian or totalitarian rule--, it is radical Islam and it is the globalism that Macron, Merkel and other Europeans and Americans wish to impose. These are the threats to the world and to the primary benefit of nationalism--that being national sovereignty which can shield sin, tyranny and misguided policies from infecting the whole world.
You don't have to be a Bible scholar to realize that global trends are setting the stage, which are all part of God's plan, for the rise of a strong, dynamic world leader, the Antichrist.
Ultimately, perhaps in less than a hundred or even fifty years from now, a truly new world order with Jesus Christ as world leader will smash this current world order. Nationalism won't be needed to help insulate the world from the destructive nature of sin. As Revelation 21:4 notes, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."