Friday, June 29, 2018


This is a link to a great article on the "Day of the Lord" from the website

The "Day of the Lord" is generally considered to be the same period as the Tribulation period, the last week of the 70 weeks described by the prophet Daniel, the time when the Antichrist reigns just before the return of Jesus Christ for His 2nd coming!

Thursday, June 28, 2018


* Originally written 2/9/2014, revised 6/19/2018

The False Prophet will be the Antichrist's side-kick according to the book of Revelation 13;11-17. It is the False Prophet who will "cause receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads..." . One of the False Prophet's key actions will be that "...he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do...." I would assert that Pope Francis is a deceiver but his successor will out-class him because he will perform signs and miracles with his deception!

The thing about the Bible is that it can be fun or convenient to be able to refer to an abstract group, like the Pharisees of Jesus' day as the "bad guys," in a bible study with nice church people! However, when the question comes closer to home like, "Who are today's Pharisees?", "Who are today's Sadducees?" or "Is Pope Francis the biblical False Prophet?", many suddenly have this politically-correct nervousness or downright hostility about even entertaining the question, especially about the current popular pope. 

Now if the questions were, "Is Vladimir Putin the Antichrist?" or "Is Pat Robertson the False Prophet?" or "Is Donald Trump Evil?", then since such men are more easy to demonize at least here in the USA, there may not be a such a problem, if you are the typical "low-information" type of American. 

However, as Christians we should desire to discern the truth and we are commanded to do that by continuing in the Word and by "rightly dividing" it per II Timothy 2:15. The key is to recognize that is is possible to discern the truth (John 8:31-32 and John 16:13)! It is also worth noting that since these are the End Times, many will prefer to have their ears tickled with incoherent, secular, "feel-good" nonsense rather than hear sound doctrine (II Timothy 4:3-4). Those that appease the world (I John 4:5-6), like Pope Francis, by tickling their ears possess the "spirit of error."

To answer the question on Pope Francis, I think it could be possible, but he seems a bit old at 77 (81 now in 2018, as I revise this post) to fulfill the role of False Prophet. Please see my other postings on the False Prophet. Also, the web site www.biblical, with Roman Catholic ties, presents a strong case for considering Pope Francis as THE biblical False Prophet or I would maintain at least a false teacher or false prophet! The role that Pope Francis may be filling is in preparing the way for a more apostate pope, perhaps the False Prophet. Francis is selecting liberal cardinals and sidelining more conservative ones. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable that by padding the College of Cardinals with liberals, his successor would be like him or even more liberal and apostate.

Now, I know many liberals and Catholics would scream that such "attacks" and "accusations" are anti-Catholic. The key should be are they the truth!  Also, Pope Francis' anti-capitalist, and by association pro-socialist, views are at odds with former Popes like Pope John Paul II and Pope Pius XII (who wrote an encyclical against communism). So who is the anti-Catholic one? More importantly, who is pro-Jesus, pro-truth, pro-Bible! And, what happened to the much vaunted liberal open mind?

It is also curious that the liberal media absurdly thinks they are the arbiter of truth in today's modern world. Haha! They represent an antichrist, worldly perspective that is generally in error! Their hypocrisy is tiresome because they suddenly rather to the side of homosexuals, pro-abortion zealots and the like who protest against the Roman Catholic Church.

Monday, June 25, 2018


*Originally written on 3/17/2010. First blog post for this blog. Updated on 3/25/2018.

Daniel 9:27 NIV declares, "He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

The "he" mentioned in Daniel 9:27 is widely accepted to refer to the prior verse, Daniel 9:26, which says, "...The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary." This refers to the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple after Jesus Christ was "cut off". 

This interpretation of Daniel 9:26-27 is confirmed by other passages like Daniel 2:40-43 (which refers to a "divided kingdom", a Revived Roman Empire), Daniel 8:8-12 (refers to the coming of the Antichrist from Alexander the Great's ancient Grecian Empire and also refers to the abomination of sacrifice during the Great Tribulation by the Antichrist), Matthew 24:15 (Jesus Christ specifically refers to Daniel's prophecy of "the abomination that causes desolation...") and Revelation 13:1-2 (refers specifically to the Revived Roman Empire).

The "he" in Daniel 9:27 is likewise widely accepted to be the Antichrist who will arise from the Revived Roman Empire. Daniel 8:8-9, among other passages, further narrows the place of the Antichrist's origin to be in the ancient Greek Empire, which was also in the eastern part of succeeding Roman Empire. The Greek Empire was built by Alexander the Great. After Alexander died, four of his generals divided up his empire as follows:

  • Cassander took Greece/Macedonia,
  • Lysimachus assumed Turkey or Asia Minor,
  • Seleucus took what includes modern-day Syria, Iran and Iraq, and
  • Ptolemy took Egypt.

THE EVENT described that marks the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation period is widely seen as when the Antichrist signs a peace treaty between a revived state of Israel, which currently exists, and its neighbors. This accomplishment would likely give the Antichrist wide acclaim and could lead to or enhance his rapid ascension to power.

And why will such a "covenant" be such a "big deal"?.....

Since Israel was established as a new nation in 1948, it has been at war, in a state of war, or in a state of uneasy peace with its neighbors. Also, many attempts for peace have been tried but no lasting peace has been achieved, at least between Israel and all of its neighbors. Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama...all failed!

I would speculate with biblical support that the Antichrist will make peace after a major war, which would make his peace efforts to be perceived as an even greater coup. Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 both refer to major attacks on Israel by her neighbors or nations in the area. It could be these wars that will provide the basis for the Antichrist's rise to fame, according to Daniel 9:27, "he will confirm a covenant with many..."

Monday, June 4, 2018


Recently, the Pope popped off again with his antichrist nonsense glorifying communism while he also equated Isis' efforts to violently spread terror around the world with Jesus Christ's Great Commission to spread the Gospel around the world. Utter blasphemy !

The following is a link to a great summary of the Pope's apostasy and blasphemous statements during his papacy :, an article called "the Wolf" :

This passage from II Thessalonians 2:3 about the signs of the coming of Jesus Christ seems relevant to this story:
   "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come, until the rebellion*** occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction." 

*** The passage refers to "the rebellion"". This is what Pope Francis (aka Jorge Bergoglio)  is helping to usher in, an apostasy against the truth, the true faith and the Son of God, Jesus Christ. This article is a great summary of the examples of Mr. Bergoglio's apostasy and blasphemies. 

Roman Catholics need to consider these facts and consider who is their Lord, Jesus Christ or Mr. Bergoglio, a false prophet .